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    Huntard Macro


    Huntard Macro Empty Huntard Macro

    Post  Blazewind Mon Mar 09, 2009 3:19 am

    As some ppl may like me with slow finger, I found this website about the shot rotation, which I believe pretty helpful with one button masher for dps.
    #showtooltip Steady Shot
    /console Sound_EnableSFX 0
    /cast [target=pettarget,exists] Kill Command
    /cast Kill Shot
    /castsequence reset=3 Arcane Shot, Steady Shot, Steady Shot,
    /console Sound_EnableSFX 1
    /script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
    credit to "" cheers
    change Arcane Shot to Exploive shot if you are SV spect.
    Cause it can use kill shot when ever is avilible therefore, you can just stand there just keep press 1 button every 1.5 sec of global CD Wink

    Huntard Macro Empty The one I use

    Post  Blazewind Thu Mar 26, 2009 12:59 am

    This is what I use in raid as sv most of time, it did pull 3.3k-3.5k dps on every boss, the reason is not able to be 4k cause I never use that lock n load when it proc >> cause it will ruin my macro's sequence, and w/o castsequence steady will fail active unless you want to sign it on another button
    #showtooltip Serpent Sting
    /cast [target=pettarget,exists] Kill Command
    /cast Kill Shot
    /cast [modifier:shift] Serpent Sting
    /cast [modifier:ctrl] Raptor Strike
    /castsequence reset=3 Explosive Shot, Steady Shot, Steady Shot, Steady Shot,
    simular but this is for MM, it will keep serpent sting up over and over. haven't try in vault with leet buff, but in 25men valut I get it to 3.5k dps so almost as good as sv(but sv still better for leet player)
    /cast [target=pettarget,exists] Kill Command
    /cast Kill Shot
    /cast [modifier:shift] Serpent Sting
    /cast [modifier:ctrl] Raptor Strike
    /castsequence reset=6 Aimed Shot,Arcane Shot,Steady Shot,Steady Shot, Steady Shot,Chimera Shot,
    well... you might wonder why I have raptor strike on ctrl cause this macro right next to it
    /cast [nomodifier] Hunter's Mark
    /cast [modifier:shift] Concussive Shot
    /cast [modifier:ctrl] Mongoose Bite
    /cast [modifier:alt] Snake Trap
    that way I can use the only 2 melee abilities that hunter have right the way (they dont' share cd) Very Happy
    if you have any advice about macro please let me know... except no macro comment lol
    good day~


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